"Hot Shot" - Foggy Fork Farm Hot Shot *S/*B

Hot Shot’s personality matches his name – he comes running as soon as he hears us! He is our smallest buck, and we hope that he’ll bring down the height of some of our taller does while maintaining/ improving udders and butterfat.

2nd Gen. MDGA Experimental XN18640 | TMGR Experimental BN000302015768
DOB 02/08/23

Hot Shot's Kids

With Lady – due 02/26/24, kidded 02/24/24 – buck (Hey Monkey) and doe (Jolene)

Hot Shot's Dam - Springs Run FJC Wild Violet AR*D/*P

(Photos Courtesy of Foggy Fork Farm)

Hot Shot's Paternal Grand-dam - Skillman's Star AR4*D/*P

(Photos Courtesy Of Skillman Ranch)​