"Last Call" - Windscape JB Last Call

We jumped at the chance to snag Last Call – she’s a very promising Lilly daughter, plus she inherited her wattles! Her breeder says that her strengths are her feet and legs, head, and depth of body. The main area that might need a tiny bit of improvement is her shoulder assembly. Her dam line is known for being sweet and calm, and also slow to bloom, but aaamazing when they do at around 4-5 years old.

    American AB2287793
    DOB 02/25/2023

    Show Record:
    2023: 1st of 7 & 3rd of 7; RGCH & 1st of 3; 2nd of 7 & 3rd of 7


    • Dam – CH Windscape 3GS Lilly 91 EEEEAB1700091
    • Sire – *B Vanjust Lee Jaeger Bomb (Paternal half brother to Cream of Kansas’ Berry Blast, 2024 ADGA Reserve National Champion Senior Doe) – AB1844083
      • Dam – SGCH Vanjust TA Bramble 3*M 05-05 EEEE 92 (2014 ADGA National Reserve Best Udder; 2015 ADGA National Champion and Best Udder; 2016 ADGA Reserve National Champion; 2017 OBA Supreme Senior Doe & All American 5 and over, 2017 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader – #8 in Milk, #10 in Protein, 2019 ADGA National Show 4th/2nd udder Aged Doe, Dam of the 2019 spotlight buck *B Vanjust OBRH Leocadio) – AB1546147
      • Sire – Luvruc VDS Enough is Enough 2-06 VVV87 (Son of GCH Vanjust MMC Drama Queen 3*M EX92, 2019 ADGA National Show Best Udder) – AB1760525

    Notable Siblings:

    Paternal Half-Sister - Cream-of-Kansas' JB Tharissa

    (Photos Courtesy of Cream of Kansas)

    Paternal Half-Sister - Cream-of-Kansas' Easter Candy

    (Photos Courtesy of Cream of Kansas)

    Paternal Half Sister - Cream-of-Kansas' Berry Blast

    (Photos Courtesy of Cream of Kansas)

    Maternal Half Sister - Windscape SIN Limerick 84 +V+V

    (Photos Courtesy of Windscape)

    Dam - CH Windscape 3GS Lilly

    (Photos Courtesy of Windscape)

    Maternal Granddam - The Otello’s Flora 88 VEVV

    (Photos Courtesy of Windscape) 

    Maternal Grandsire's Maternal Half-Sister - CH Sparkling Acres Samantha Jade 90 EEEE

    (Photos Courtesy of Sparkling Acres)

    Sire's Littermate Sister - Vanjust LEE Jasmeet 4*M 05-04 VVEE 90

    (Photos Courtesy of Vanjust)

    Paternal Granddam - SGCH Vanjust TA Bramble 3*M 05-05 EEEE 92

    (Photos Courtesy of Vanjust)

    Paternal Grandsire's Paternal Half-Sister - GCH Vanjust VDS Evelyn 1*M 04-04 VEEE 91

    (Photos Courtesy of Vanjust)