Poultry Sales Policies and Prices

Price List

Pricing is subject to change, especially for individual birds we think might be exhibition quality or if we see something that makes them pet quality. 

Contact us to learn about our discounts for educators and bulk orders!

    To make life easier, we formed our chicken pricing structure into two tiers. If they are purebred, they are part of the top tier. The second tier consists of our project and barnyard mixes. For a few breeds, this price is a little higher than hatcheries, but for most, it is significantly lower – even though our birds are significantly higher quality. 

    • Tier 1: Purebred Chickens 
      • Hatching Eggs: $45/dozen
      • Straight Run Chicks: $10 each
        • (Welsummer) Probable Male Chicks: $5 each
        • (Welsummer) Probable Female Chicks: $15 each
      • Started Cockerels
        • Over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be male: $10 each
        • Over 16 weeks, 99% likely to be male, and the ideal age for processing: $20 each
      • Started Pullets
        • Over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be female: $20 each
        • Over 16 weeks, 99% likely to be female and should lay within a few months: $30 each
      • Adult Roosters: $25 each
      • Laying Hens: $35 each

    • Tier 2: Barnyard Mix and/or Project and/or Green Egger Chickens
      • Hatching Eggs: $15/dozen
      • Straight Run Chicks: $5 each
      • Started Cockerels
        • Over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be male: $5 each
        • Over 16 weeks, 99% likely to be male, and the ideal age for processing: $10 each
      • Started Pullets
        • Over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be female: $10 each
        • Over 16 weeks, 99% likely to be female, and should lay within a few months: $20 each
      • Adult Roosters: $15 each
      • Laying Hens: $25 each
    • Welsh Harlequin *autosexing breed
      • Hatching Eggs: $45/dozen
      • Straight Run Ducklings: $10 each
        • Probable Male Ducklings: $5 each
        • Probable Female Ducklings: $15 each
      • Started Male Ducks
        • Over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be male: $10 each
        • Over 16 weeks, 99% likely to be male, and the ideal age for processing: $20 each
      • Started Female Ducks
        • Over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be female: $20 each
        • Over 16 weeks, 99% likely to be female and should lay within a few months: $30 each
      • Adult Drakes: $25 each
      • Laying Hens: $35 each
    • Pilgrim *autosexing breed
      • Hatching Eggs: $10/egg
      • Straight Run Goslings: $30 each
        • Probable Male Goslings: $20 each
        • Probable Female Goslings: $40 each
      • Started Male Geese – over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be male: $30 each
      • Started Female Geese – over 6 weeks, off heat, and 90% likely to be female: $50 each
      • Adult Ganders: $45 each
      • Laying Dames: $60 each

    Poultry Reservations & Interest Lists For 2025

    Some of our birds had a really rough season in 2024 and we lost a ton of money in transaction fees on refunded orders, so we have stopped taking paid preorders until we’re ready to start collecting or hatching each batch. We have a free interest list – feel free to email us or submit the form on our contact page to be added to that! Partridge Chanteclers are running into 2026-2027, Pilgrim geese and Buckeyes are getting close. Our other breeds still have plenty of space.

    Unfortunately, our USPS hub is VERY anti-shipped-chicks and will only allow us to use USPS Express, and only one state over. Due to these rules, we can only ship hatching eggs to most states in 2025 – no shipped chicks, unless the Midwest’s SpeeDee Delivery comes to your area. 

    We plan to start incubating eggs in March and shipping eggs/chicks in April or May depending on weather. 


      Paid Reservation List

      Free Interest List

      Self-Blue/Black Ameraucana - in split pens again this year, so chicks might hatch Self-Blue or Black

      1. Cheyenne R - email - eggs to ship
      2. Katie C - FB - hens any color
      3. Allison K - FB - eggs

      Svart Hona

      1. Whitney C - FB - after melanin testing - 2dz eggs to ship or maybe chicks

      1. Katy A - FB - chicks maybe to ship
      2. Craig S - FB - chicks
      3. Jennifer S - FB - pullets


      1. Jake C - site - 1/21/24 - 24 Buckeye & 24 PC eggs, 12 Buckeye & 12 PC chicks

      1. Kari C - email - 12-15 chicks or 24-36 eggs
      2. Jesse AH - FB - eggs to ship
      3. Sarah F - email - chicks to ship
      4. Stacy D - FB - eggs
      5. Kamishi - email - 1dz

      Partridge Chantecler

      1. Jake C - site - 1/21/24 - 24 Buckeye & 24 PC eggs, 12 Buckeye & 12 PC chicks
      2. Julie I - email - 50 2025 chicks - ship to MT (NTP)
      1. Merle & Raspberry - FB - 2025 eggs
      2. Ethan M - FB
      3. Jesse AH - FB - eggs to ship
      4. Jodi T - FB - eggs for pickup
      5. Jon G - email - eggs or chicks to ship
      6. Jessica B - FB - chicks
      7. Noble Nine - FB
      8. Genevieve E - email - 2025 eggs
      9. Joyce D - email - 2025 eggs (NTP)

      Mix of Purebreds

      Project Blue/Green Eggers

      Welsh Harlequin Duck *75-80% accurate autosexing

      Pilgrim Goose *90-95% accurate autosexing

      1. Sarah G - FB - 5/10/23 - 3 females - rolling into 2024
      1. Bri M - FB - female(s)
      2. Cora MW - FB - female(s)
      3. Anthony S - FB - 2 females
      4. Black Frog Farm - FB

      Important Details

      Thank you for your interest in supporting our (tiny) business! Below is some info we’ve compiled to answer common questions:

      First and foremost, ALL SALES FINAL - no refunds or returns of any kind will be accepted. We stand by our offerings and want buyers to be happy, but as soon as animals or products leave our hands, whatever happens to them is out of our control. There are too many risks involved with accepting returns that might have been mistreated, infected, or tampered with once off our property.

      Common question: why do hatching eggs cost more than ones for eating? We test fertility weekly and sometimes even daily, which involves opening and destroying multiple eggs to check for rings. We also take the time to turn them daily to prevent the embryos from sticking to the sides, and always provide the freshest ones available for hatching. For table eggs, we do the opposite - we sell them from oldest to newest and don't pay attention to fertility or which breed laid which egg.

      We are cleared to send to almost every US state. Please check this link to see if there are special regulations in your state. We would provide a VS Form 9-3 and are AI Clean.

      We ship hatching eggs Monday-Tuesday after payment is received. If we see that the weather is too hot/cold or if we notice issues with hens or their fertility, we might delay shipment in order to help you get the best possible hatch rate.

      Please note that we cannot guarantee hatchability - shipped eggs have a 0%-100% hatch rate, based on how they're handled in transit. Even eggs driven a few minutes in our/your car might end up being jostled too much. If transported eggs don't hatch, it does NOT mean they're not fertile or are old - it just means that they were overly stressed during travel. Transporting eggs is a gamble, which is part of why they're so much cheaper than live birds.

      Depending on packaging availability and size/amount of eggs, we either use foam shippers or individually wrap each egg in bubble wrap surrounded by wood shavings. If you have a preference of shipping method, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.

      Shipping charges are dependent on USPS prices and the cost of supplies. Right now, it looks like it will be around $25-35 for packaging & a Priority box, which comfortably fits 1-2 dozen chicken eggs. Priority Express would be about $75-100. We do not bother with fragile stickers or other labels because USPS just ignores them or purposely treats them worse.

      First and foremost, ALL SALES FINAL - no refunds or returns of any kind will be accepted. We stand by our offerings and want buyers to be happy, but as soon as animals or products leave our hands, whatever happens to them is out of our control. There are too many risks involved with accepting returns that might have been mistreated, infected, or tampered with once off our property.


      Due to the amount of cancellations after people have asked us to hatch or hold birds for them, a non-refundable deposit is required to reserve or hold any bird that has hatched or is about to hatch. Deposits are non-refundable for any reason UNLESS enough of your chosen breed(s) have failed to hatch, or your chosen bird(s) have passed away here in our care, or we notice something wrong with the bird(s). If that is the case, we will provide the option to either refund the missing count, substitute with a different bird of the same value, or hold your deposit for the next hatch. Each hatch takes 21-35 days, depending on species.


      Our birds are cleared to transport to almost every US state. Please check this link to see if there are special regulations in your state. We would provide a VS Form 9-3 and are AI Clean.


      We tried shipping live birds through USPS again in 2024, but it did not go well - they couldn't even deliver one state over via Priority within 4 days. We had to pay Express to get 3 Day delivery from WI to MI, and our local USPS hub was pretty aggressive in trying to convince us not to ship live birds. So from now on, we're going back to local meetups, livestock transport arranged by the customer, OR SpeeDee Delivery for deliveries in the Midwest.


      Buyer is responsible for arranging transportation of all live animals. A $1 per day boarding fee will apply if a purchased animal is not picked up at the arranged-upon time. We are willing to meet within a half hour of Mishicot, Wisconsin, for free. We'd be happy to make further deliveries with a delivery charge of $1 per mile for the round trip. That is about the price of gas for our truck. We've also worked with a few livestock transporters. Click here for our favorites. They are not cheap, but take excellent care of the critters in their care.

      We personally do not vaccinate our birds, but we do offer the optional Marek's vaccine to buyers of chicks. We do not administer it by default and our parent stock are not vaccinated. It costs an additional $75 per hatch (the vial is around $35, shipping to us is around $35, and injection supplies are around $5). If we receive multiple orders for vaccinated chicks, we try to group those hatches together and spread the cost between buyers, meaning that we would be able to partially refund the vaccine cost.

      Our sponsors and advisors with decades of experience VERY strongly encourage the Marek's vaccine because the disease is absolutely devastating and basically unavoidable, especially if birds regularly travel to shows or if owners attend sale barns or swap meets.

      There are a couple downsides to the Marek's vaccine which have caused us to decline using it in our flocks. One is that the specific vaccine we have access to has been around since the 70s and is only about 60% effective against some strains of the disease. The second issue is the way ALL current Marek's vaccines work - they are all "leaky," which means that they do not prevent a chicken from being infected with the disease; they only keep tumor formation and other symptoms from popping up. So if Marek's does invade a person's vaccinated flock, they might never know about it and become super spreaders, because the vaccine only prevents symptoms, not the actual disease itself. That's the main reason we don't use it - we want to make sure our birds don't have any hidden illnesses that could be passed on to our customers.

      We do have access to a few other vaccines and are willing to administer them upon request. Buyer would need to pay the full nonrefundable balance up front. These include Mycoplasma Gallisepticum, Fowl Pox, Coccidiosis, Newcastle, Salmonella, and Coryza. Some of these are not safe to use around turkeys, though, so please research them before purchase.

      Since even day-old chicks of autosexing breeds can be guessed wrong 10-20% of the time and we definitely aren't brave enough to vent sex because it kills about 10% of babies even when performed by trained experts, we cannot guarantee gender accuracy and are unable to refund, replace, or take back the animal if we're wrong. Some (we’re looking at you, Ameraucanas) might take a few months to confirm, and one (Tufted Romans) we still can't figure out without DNA sexing or watching an egg actually leave their body. 

      If you end up with an unwanted male and don't want to process him yourselves, we recommend contacting any Amish, Hispanic, or Asian communities that might be near you, or even possibly large reptile or raptor owners or rescues. There are a lot of rooster rescues out there who will let them live out their days, as well.

      Due to the nature of our offerings, we cannot guarantee health or viability of any animals once they leave our property, and all sales are final. We are part of the National Poultry Improvement Plan and annually test for Pullorum-Typhoid and Avian Influenza. In order to maintain our NPIP status and for the biosecurity of our flocks, we do not allow visits to our poultry areas or allow purchasers to select birds from our brooders, but we will gladly take photos/videos upon request. We maintain mostly closed flocks, with the exception of occasional new birds brought in from other NPIP farms to minimize inbreeding. These are strictly quarantined for 1-2 months after purchase.

      We do not have access to an avian vet who can draw blood for us, so we do not regularly test for other diseases unless a bird has died of unexplained causes. If we suspect an illness, we send samples to the University of Wisconsin's accredited lab for testing. We last submitted a bird October 2022. She came back clear of AI and the necropsy showed egg yolk peritonitis from e-coli and a small amount of coccidia. In March 2022, another bird was submitted and cleared of AI and Mycoplasma. She had bronchitis due to staph. We would be happy to provide copies of the reports.

      All of our animals are from the very best lines we could find, with many exhibition winners in their gene pool, and we do our best to adhere to the Standard of Perfection laid out by the American Poultry Association and/or specific breed clubs. This does NOT guarantee that our animals or any of their offspring will be show quality or win awards. About 1 in 100 birds that hatch for even elite Master Breeders would be considered exhibition quality. That's just how the lottery of genetics works. In order to be fully transparent, we have listed flaws that we've noticed and are working towards correcting in the pages for each breed we raise.

      We cannot guarantee that your birds will lay a certain color. There is a spectrum of approved colors for each breed, and each bird lays a slightly different egg. Color, shape, and size vary through each season and even from day to day.