"Ron" - Homeward Bound BA Ronald

Ron comes from an excellent local-ish farm with really similar priorities and herd management to ours. We chose him because of his pedigree of nice rear udder arch and height, plus he’s got very nice conformation so far. He has turned into a gorgeous stud and we love him! He’s very sweet with us and also with the younger boys. He does have a 6th sense and bolts if he thinks we’re about to catch him for something unpleasant, but the rest of the time he comes right up to us for scratches and treats. He’s one of our most respectful dudes, too! For flaws, he’ll need his scurs watched – they grow back into his head and need to be trimmed occasionally. He also needs his feet trimmed more often than some of the other guys do. 

6th Gen. MDGA Purebred MN17399
DOB 03/14/22

Ron's Kids

With Honey – due 03/20/24, kidded 03/19/24 – doe and buck – their ears started normal/airplane, then one on each developed a fold, then it went back to normal. Rehomed as pets just to be safe & will not repeat this pairing. 

Dam - Red Boots Barn Milk & Honey

(Photos Courtesy of Homeward Bound & Red Boots Barn)

Maternal Granddam - Green Gables FF Amber - FF

(Photos Courtesy of Green Gables)

Maternal Grandsire - Silver Creek PBandJ

(Photos Courtesy of Red Boots Barn)

Sire - Homeward Bound RB B.A. Baracus

(Photos Courtesy of Homeward Bound)

Paternal Granddam - Green Gables SOF Contessa of Dotte

(Photos Courtesy of Homeward Bound)

Paternal Grandsire - Green Gables GS Remember the Battle ++*B

(Photos Courtesy of Green Gables)