Now that our buck pen is full of amazing boys, we’ve decided to stock up on semen straws as backups in case something awful happens to our guys. Plus, there are some crazy awesome genetics out there that we’d love to add to our herd! Below is our current inventory and our cost. Some might be for sale here and there, but we plan to hoard the majority for ourselves at this time. We might be open to trades, though! Especially for Royal Golden Guernsey straws.
(ad courtesy of Blue Mountain and CA Blackberry)
(ad courtesy of Blue Mountain and Wolfivan)
(ad courtesy of Blue Mountain and LookAtMe/4PeteSake)
(ad courtesy of Ober-Boerd and Heaven’s Hollow)
(ad courtesy of Eco Run Farm)
(ad courtesy of Eco Run Farm)
(ad courtesy of Blue Mountain and Haycreeks)
(ad courtesy of Blue Mountain and Haycreeks)
(ad courtesy of Blue Mountain and Heaven’s Hollow)
(ad courtesy of BadMoonRizin)
(ad courtesy of BadMoonRizin)
(ad courtesy of BadMoonRizin)
(ad courtesy of Blue Mountain and Treasured Sunrise)
(pic courtesy of Blue Mountain & Hadrian’s owner)
(pic courtesy of Blue Mountain & Leonid’s owner)
(ad courtesy of Eco Run Farm)
We WANT these ones, among others: