Reference Goats - Gone But Not Forgotten

Sometimes crisis strikes and despite our best efforts, we lose a goat. Or sometimes, we move them on to other farms after their work here is done. View these past members of our herd here. 

Mini Nubian Does

"Swiss" - Green Gables CGF Lil Swiss Girl 2*P - moved to new herd

We regret listing and selling Swiss, but we needed funds for hay and she was the only doe listed at a price point that people were interested in paying. We massively undercut ourselves, which will annoy our tax guy, but it is what it is. Swiss is the smartest of all our goats and started out a bit standoffish, but turned into one of our sweetest girls after kidding. Her rear udder height could be a bit better, but she has a really nice U shape and probably the best foreudder of all our Mini Nubians so far. She’s also one of our top 3 Mini Nubian milkers and produced enough to earn her star as an FF! She’s got strong feet that hardly need trimming, although she does have two curved toes. We only chose to list her because her full siblings and all three kids have stayed more or less local to us (and so will she). We also offered to buy one of her daughters if she has one in the spring and if we’re in a better financial position by then. 

"Midnight" - Soaring Heart's Midnight Love - Market

As we were browsing the best Mini Nubian genetics to bring to the Midwest, we HAD to snag some from Soaring Heart’s, one of the top breeders on the West Coast. We joined their waitlist in 2022 and were shocked when Lavender Blue had SEVEN kids in 2023! When Wendy told us that she picked Midnight for us, we were so excited. We were worried that she’d freshen with a full litter of kids like her dam did, but it turns out that we didn’t need to be concerned about that – Midnight was intersex, with external female organs and underdeveloped internal male organs. She never acted bucky at all, so we’re still going to use she/her pronouns. She was a very sweet & mellow goat and we tried our best to find her a pet or grazing home, but she ended up feeding a family for Christmas instead.

6th Gen. MDGA American (due to ears) AMN19602* | TMGR Experimental DN000302015308
DOB 03/08/23

Possible Hidden Moonspots

Mini Nubian Bucks

"Mark" - Green Gables E German Mark - RIP

Marky Mark was SUCH a little character! He was our smallest buck, but had the biggest and silliest personality. He passed FAR too soon, from frothy bloat/enterotoxemia after breaking into a container of goose feed. With our vet’s help, we fought day and night for a week to save him, and we thought he was finally safe, but he passed while we were running to the store for more probiotics.

Oberhasli Does

"Penny" - Firstfruits L. Donald's Penny - moved to new herd

Penny is/was our favorite doe in the herd and is gorgeous, but her foreudder has a pocket and her overall attachments except her medial aren’t quite there for our goals. Odds are high that some of that will improve with further freshenings, but we had to make cuts somewhere after an unexpected job loss and she wasn’t really close with other herd members. In July 2024, she and her sister, Luna, went to a local-ish farm that makes milk products with their Obers (Steppin’ Back).

American AB2268697
DOB 04/19/2022

Carries Black

  • Dam – The Fence River Lydia – AB2042860
    • Dam – The Mack’s Jojo – PB1822410 (purebred)
    • Sire – Firstfruits Donald Peter – AB1898101
  • Sire – Firstfruits Dels Donald – AB1747935
    • Dam – Firstfruits Victor Dinah – AB1677358
    • Sire – Rachelsie Sento Del Sol – PB1545749 (purebred)

"Luna" - Firstfruits Donald's Luna - Moved to new herd

Luna was another very hard cut! She actually started out producing the largest quantity of milk among all our goats, at over 6lbs at 11 days fresh as a FF. She unfortunately has a pretty large foreudder pocket, though, and those are officially one of our pet peeves as we work to improve our herd and the breed. She was besties with Diana and we’re worried how they’ll cope, but we will see how it goes! In July 2024, she went with her sister Penny to their new home (Steppin’ Back). 

American AB2268696
DOB 04/19/2022

Solid Black

  • Dam – The Fence River Lydia – AB2042860
    • Dam – The Mack’s Jojo – PB1822410 (purebred)
    • Sire – Firstfruits Donald Peter – AB1898101
  • Sire – Firstfruits Dels Donald – AB1747935
    • Dam – Firstfruits Victor Dinah – AB1677358
    • Sire – Rachelsie Sento Del Sol – PB1545749 (purebred)

Oberhasli Bucks

"Moose" - Moved to New Herd

Oh, Moose! We had such high hopes for this guy. He is an awesome dude and ridiculously sweet, but grew out to have a slight underbite and kinda weak hooves. With castration and a careful feeding program, he might make an awesome pack goat! Or, you know, food. A local commercial dairy bought him for their does fall 2023. 

Unregistered (bucks from grade dams can’t be registered)

DOB 04/22/2022


"Meow" - *B 4Petesake The Cat's Meow - RIP

We tried joining a few waitlists for bucklings in 2024, and the two best ones panned out! Meow was the son of our favorite Fire Cat daughter, Fire Kitty, and Triumph, a promising son of Kane and Joy, the 2019 Reserve National Champion. He was absolutely stunning and just so calm and sweet. Unfortunately, after a 10-day illness, he passed away very traumatically while the vet was too busy to return our frantic calls all day. She did a quick necropsy and at first glance, she believed it to be severe enteritis from clostridium, even though he was vaccinated and we had been loading him up with the antitoxin. We’ll be looking into a vaccine that covers more strains. Later, the lab culture was inconclusive – it showed that his intestine sample was basically dead all the way through and there were no relevant bacteria or parasites found, but the damage indicated clostridium, coccidiosis, or a toxic plant. This loss badly hurt and has us questioning our life choices. He was such a great goat and the vet basically said that she didn’t try harder to save him because most local people don’t care about their livestock or want to spend money on treatment. He deserved so much better. 

American AB2378171
03/07/2024 – 09/10/2024

Guernsey Does

"Raz" - Babka Farms Raz - RIP

Raz was our first Guernsey-type doe, and we were so excited to work with her. Unfortunately, she passed completely unexpectedly. We’d normally take her to the vet for a necropsy, but they were closed for the weekend and we didn’t have the fridge space to hold her until Monday. For unexplained losses, it’s usually enterotoxemia or pneumonia – both of which she was vaccinated for, but as with any vaccine, there’s not a 100% guarantee of full coverage.

SR030839D / Experimental
DOB 03/26/2023 – 10/06/2024

  • Dam – Legendairy Rhiptide Rhody – PT2171486
    • Dam – Legendairy WC Rhory
    • Sire – Legendairy RHM Rhiptide
  • Sire – Treasured Sunrise Hunter
    • Dam – Treasured Sunrise GoldDigger BG 06-11 VG87 VEEG
    • Sire – Treasured Hannibal BG000951D

Guernsey Bucks