Goat Breeding Plans - Fall 2024 for Spring 2025

On this page, we have listed our latest goat breeding plans (subject to change … probably a lot haha). Feel free to check out our available goats, too!

If sold with registration papers, our goats will not be as cheap as a lot of the others in this area. We are a performance herd and put a ton of money and time and love into our goats; and only our best, most promising kids will be offered with papers. Our base rate for registrable kids is $500, with adjustments based on individual traits and recent pedigrees. You can see more details about our prices at this link. We will occasionally discount a registered kid, but it’s very rare – we’d rather castrate them than devalue them. 

That being said, we do offer most of our kids without papers for people who just want friendly, healthy animals. Unregistered but high quality kids start at half the listed registered price. Pet or food quality kids will be less, depending on severity of issues. We can wether any bucklings for $25 each. We’re always upfront about our culls and any potential issues that we’re aware of, so there will hopefully be no surprises.

Limited Time Offer - Help Us Prove Our Goats

If you participate in linear appraisal, milk testing, or shows, we have an offer for you!

Since we both have full-time jobs on top of our farm, we have trouble making it to events, but we KNOW that our herd is filled with superstar genetics! Help us prove it – for each registered 2024 or 2025 JKHerdItAll or JKShrunkTheKids doeling or buckling, we are happy to pay the original buyer $50 for the first awarded milk star, linear appraisal, and/or show award that he/she receives in the original buyer’s care, for a possible total of $150 per Oberhasli or Guernsey, or $100 per Mini Nubian (Mini Nubians unfortunately aren’t eligible for Linear Appraisal).

Mini Nubian Pairings

We are VERY excited about our Mini Nubian breedings – every single one has a pedigree of nearly perfect udders, tons of milk, and gorgeous conformation! We value those traits over fancy colors BUT some members of our herd do carry moonspots, the polled (aka hornless) gene, and blue eyes. If you click the name of a goat, you will be directed to pages containing their pedigrees and more family photos. 

For our First Fresheners, most bucklings will be unregistered, unless the girls absolutely WOW us with their FF udders. Registered doelings and bucklings can be listed with MDGA and/or TMGR under our herdname JKShrunkTheKids. We reserve the right to collect up to 30 straws from any intact buck that we sell, at any time during his life, for the cost of collection. 

On small screens, you may need to scroll sideways to see the whole table below. 

Prices are subject to change based on how kids unfold. 



Kid Gen


Registered Kid Price


Cornerstone Farm Miss Vivi

(5th Gen, Moonspots)


Blackberry's Encore *B

(4th Gen, Moonspots, Blue Eyes, Roaning)


2/16/25 or 2/22/25


First kid retained

Foggy Fork Farm HoneyPot Of Gold 2*D/*P

(2nd Gen, Roaning)


Storybook's Denarius

(5th Gen)




First doe retained

Davinia SS Miss Rowena *P

(1st Gen, Moonspots)


Blackberry's Encore *B

(4th Gen, Moonspots, Blue Eyes, Roaning)




Kids available unregistered due to Rowena's shoulders & udder attachments

Green Gables AC She's A Doll 6*P

(5th Gen)

Storybook's Denarius

(5th Gen)




First doe available to someone who milk tests (trying to get Denarius his star)

Green Gables AC Amazing Lady

(4th Gen, Roaning)

Homeward Bound Ron

(6th Gen)




First doe available to someone who milk tests (trying to get Ron his star)

Green Gables SOF Penny Candy 2*P

(2nd Gen, Moonspots, Polled)


Foggy Fork Farm Hot Shot *S/*B

(2nd Gen)





J3 Farm's PJ Pickles (FF)

(3rd Gen, Moonspots, Roaning)

Storybook's Denarius

(5th Gen)




First doe available to someone who milk tests (trying to get Denarius his star)

BCF Legacy's PBB Avalon (FF)

(2nd Gen)


Mosaic's Smooth Criminal *B

(4th Gen, Moonspots, Blue Eyes, Polled)




First kid retained

Cherrywell's Vera Lipton (FF)

(3rd Gen, Polled)


Foggy Fork Farm Hot Shot *S/*B

(2nd Gen)





Soaring Heart's Raindrop (FF)

(3rd Gen, Moonspots. Blue Eyes)

Foggy Fork Farm Hot Shot *S/*B

(2nd Gen)





Green Gables Amazing Black Petunia (FF)

(4th Gen)

Mosaic's Smooth Criminal *B

(4th Gen, Moonspots, Blue Eyes, Polled)


3/31/25 4/27/25


Oberhasli Pairings

We went out of our way to find Obers with the BEST lineage we could, from some of the top names in the country, so we cannot wait to see how this year’s kids turn out! If you click the name of a goat, you will be directed to pages containing their pedigrees and more family photos.

For does who are First Fresheners, we will most likely list their bucklings without papers. If their FF udders turn out to be stunning, we might consider selling registered bucklings if there is interest. Eligible goat kids will be registered through ADGA under our herdname JKHerdItAll. We reserve the right to collect up to 30 straws from any intact buck that we sell, at any time during his life, for the cost of collection.

On small screens, you may need to scroll sideways to see the whole table below. 

Prices are subject to change based on how kids unfold.




Registered Kid Price


Ober-Boerd Diana of the Amazon (would definitely get *M but drying off early for Feb kidding)

Back Country Acres Maui

(Carries Black)



First doe available to someone who milk tests (trying to get Maui his star)

Autumn-Acres GT Gazelle

(Carries Black)


*B (Pending) Sublime OBV Son Of A Sinner



Kids available unregistered due to Gazelle's flaky skin

Heaven's Hollow Sharp (FF)

Half Barn Farm TRI Spitfire



All kids retained, unless she has like a million

Ober-Boerd Kirlia (FF)

*B (Pending) Sublime OBV Son Of A Sinner




Windscape JB Last Call (FF)


Half Barn Farm TRI Spitfire or Coyote Ledge Im a Heartbreaker or Sonny



All kids retained, unless she has like a million

Guernsey Pairings

Our Guernsey plans for the year have been upended as of 10/06/24 with the sudden loss of Raz, our only Guernsey-type doe who was old enough to breed. Our best milker is Riesling, one of our Obers, and her originally planned suitor seems to be having fertility trouble & we already have a gorgeous daughter out of her, so we decided to pair her with CrazyTrain to kickstart our breed-up program.

All Guernsey bucks below at least HB/American status will be sold as pets and/or wethers. Registrable doelings can be papered through BGS and (eventually) ADGA under our herdname JKHerdItAll. We reserve the right to collect up to 30 straws from any intact buck that we sell, at any time during his life, for the cost of collection. If you click the name of a goat, you will be directed to pages containing their pedigrees and more family photos.

On small screens, you may need to scroll sideways to see the whole table below.

Prices are subject to change based on how kids unfold.



Kid Gen


Registered Kid Price


Autumn-Acres RT Riesling *M

SWAK CrazyTrain





First doe retained, bucks available unregistered/ wethered

Jill T - doe interest - FB

Sales Policies

By purchasing or placing a deposit, you agree to the following policies and disclaimers. 

First and foremost, ALL SALES FINAL - no refunds or returns of any kind will be accepted. We stand by our offerings and want buyers to be happy, but as soon as animals or products leave our hands, whatever happens to them is out of our control. There are too many risks involved with accepting returns that might have been mistreated, infected, or tampered with once off our property. However, we do make one exception noted in our Health & Viability Disclaimer below.

We reserve the right to cancel a sale at any time, for any reason, at our discretion. Any deposits will be refunded in full if we choose to cancel a sale.

We reserve the right to collect up to 30 straws from any intact buck that we sell, at any time during his life, for the cost of collection.

We reserve the right of first refusal - if you have bought one of our goats and plan to sell them, we request dibs on the right to buy them back. We won't always be able to do it depending where we are in life and how full our herd is, but we ask for the opportunity. 

Priority for sales is given to Performance Herds. This means that if a Performance Herd expresses interest in a goat that other people have also asked us about, they will get dibs UNLESS that goat has already been reserved with a deposit. Order of priority is: us > paid reservations > performance herds > waitlist > general public.

In addition, for each registered JKHerdItAll or JKShrunkTheKids goat born in 2024 or 2025, we are offering to pay the original buyer $50 for the first awarded milk star, linear appraisal, and/or sanctioned show award that the goat receives in the original buyer’s care, for a possible total of $150 per Oberhasli or Guernsey, or $100 per Mini Nubian (Mini Nubians unfortunately aren’t eligible for Linear Appraisal).

At pick-up, we request cash, PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo Friends & Family, or Zelle for the balance due. Balances due must be paid in full before the animal leaves our property. No checks will be accepted. We ask for Friends & Family after hearing horror stories of customers using the Purchase Protection option and then getting PayPal & Venmo to refund them after they have already taken the animal. We can't afford that. 

If you want to be notified when/if a goat is available, ask us about our free waitlist. We will contact people on that list one by one as animals become available. If you're a Performance Herd, let us know and we'll bump you to the top of the list.  

If you want to purchase a goat that isn't ready to leave yet or that you're not ready to pick up, ask us about placing a $100 deposit to reserve the goat. This holds the animal until they or you are ready, and we will stop advertising that animal. Must be 18 years or older to place a deposit.

A deposit is NOT required to purchase an animal from us. If you want to wait and pay in full, that is completely acceptable in this day & age of scammers - please just note that we will keep advertising the animal and it is first come, first serve without a deposit.

Deposits are non-refundable for any reason UNLESS we are unable to meet the specifications listed when that deposit was made. If we are unable to meet the specs, at your request, we can either refund your deposit, apply it to a different animal, or hold it for the next year.

If an animal meeting your specs is available and you decide that you do not want that one for any reason, your deposit is forfeited. If you have paid a deposit on a kid and have not picked them up by 10 weeks of age or arranged a pick-up date with us, your deposit is forfeited and we will resume advertising of that kid. 

Cash, PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo Friends & Family, and Zelle are our preferred method of payment for deposits, but we also accept orders on our site. Sorry, no checks. We ask for Friends & Family after hearing horror stories of customers using the Purchase Protection option and then getting PayPal & Venmo to refund them after they have already taken the animal. We can't afford that. 

The buyer is responsible for pick-up/transportation. If any vet exams or certificates are required to cross state lines, the buyer will pay for those before they take place.

If a reserved goat kid is not picked up by 10 weeks of age, a $3/day boarding fee will apply. If not picked up by an agreed-upon date, the buyer will forfeit any deposit and the animal will be the sole property of JK Herd It All to retain or sell, unless other arrangements are made.

We are happy to work with transporters coordinated by the buyer. Please be careful who you trust - there are a lot of fake or shady ones out there. View recommended transport options here.

Please remember that as soon as an animal or product leave our hands, whatever happens to them is out of our control and we cannot be held liable for them. There are too many risks involved with accepting returns that might have been mistreated, infected, or tampered with once off our property.

All of our goats have originated from clean-tested herds and have themselves tested free while on our farm of the Big 3 Diseases (CAE, CL, and Johne's), but because we brought in a few new herd members recently, all kids intended for sale will be bottle fed and kept on a separate pasture for the next few years. This helps to prevent the spread of undiagnosed disease.

If you would prefer a dam-raised kid, we would be happy to recommend some of our friends!

If kept on a bottle, most kids are ready to head to their new home by 4-5 weeks. If not picked up by 10 weeks, a $3/day boarding fee will apply.

All kids will be disbudded unless buyer pays full price within 5 days of birth - there is a very short window to safely disbud, and horned dairy goats are unfortunately difficult to find homes for.

Please note that disbudding can result in scurs, especially in bucks. We have it done by a vet with decades of goat experience, but it still happens sometimes. Many of our goats brought in from top herds around the country have ended up with scurs, too. It's just a thing to live with.

All kids will receive ear tattoos, and we also offer $15 tail web microchips upon request. 

We will send in DNA orders to ADGA for buck kids intended for registration for free. For other registries, we can do it if buyer pays cost. It's something like $35 in 2024. 

For kids intended for registration, we offer to submit online ADGA, MDGA, and/or BGS registration applications & transfers for free. We would need the buyer's full name, registry ID, phone number, email, and address to complete the transfer. If a buyer prefers to submit paper applications themselves, we can provide those instead. MDGA kids can be registered with TMGR by their new owners, by submitting an application along with a copy of the MDGA certificate.

Wethers and Pet Only goats will be sold without registry papers or applications.

We are dedicated to maintaining our herds and land as naturally as possible, but have come to terms with the fact that Wisconsin is not a natural environment for goats, and they sometimes need help thriving here.

After struggling with both clostridium and pneumonia in 2023 and then pneumonia and suspected clostridium again in 2024, we have decided to vaccinate our goats for both. We feel that an annual shot and squirt up the nose are a lot less detrimental than both of these very common infections and weeks of painful, often ineffective treatments.

We vaccinate our keepers with Cavalry 9 for clostridium/tetanus and Nasalgen 3 PMH IN for pneumonia.

We realize that this is a very personal choice, so we only vaccinate our keepers and not goats that we've listed for sale, unless requested. Kids will inherit some immunity from their dams and will be able to be vaccinated upon arrival at your farm. If you would like us to vaccinate a kid, we would be more than happy to do it for you, but only upon request. 

Buyer has the option at the time of pick up to refuse the animal if they feel that the animal is not healthy. We cannot warrant the health status of an animal after it leaves our property. All sales are final. Taking an animal off our property implies that you have read and agreed to the sales agreement and are satisfied with the condition of the animal.

Stress can be rough on them and they can go downhill quickly. Something like shipping fever can infect and kill a kid within a few hours. Therefore, unfortunately, we can offer no warranties or guarantees on the health & viability of an animal. However, we do make one exception: if an animal sold as registered breeding stock is found by a licensed veterinarian to have a genetic condition preventing use in breeding, we will refund or replace that animal. Cosmetic conditions that might negatively affect the quality of the animals or their offspring do not apply; only conditions that prevent successful mating and raising of kids; such as hermaphroditism, freemartinism, or extra teats or orifices that we might have missed. We always check, but it can be hard to tell when they're kids!

Our goat herd is tested annually for CAE, CL, and Johne's. If any other tests are requested, we are happy to administer them if the purchaser pays.

As a parasite preventative, we treat our goats holistically with herbal products from Fir Meadows, Land of Havillah, BiteMe Treats, and VermOust whenever possible. We also use Bioworma, which helps to kill worms on the pasture. We run fecals on our whole herd three times per year, and more for individuals as needed. If herbal preventatives don't seem to be working on an individual goat, we will call our vet and use Western medicine.

Most healthy goats on pasture are able to handle small parasite loads, and some studies actually show that having parasites in low numbers keeps the immune system functioning well. But when a goat is stressed, those parasites can grow out of control. We highly, highly recommend running a fecal a week or two after picking up a new goat & treating if there is a heavy parasite load.

If we have sold a bred doe, we cannot guarantee that she will settle or will carry live, healthy kids to term. Goats don't handle stress well, and moving is stressful.

If we have sold a doe in milk, we cannot guarantee that she will stay in milk after she moves or that her quantity will remain the same. Again, goats + stress = unpredictable outcomes. Different management styles result in different production, too.

All of our animals are from the very best lines we could find, with many milk award and exhibition winners in their gene pool. This does NOT guarantee that our animals or any of their offspring will be show quality or win awards, or have amazing milk production or udders. That's just how the lottery of genetics works. In order to be fully transparent, we have listed flaws that we've noticed and are working towards correcting in each of our animals.Also, each farm is different and will be able to get different production levels out of an individual goat. What our goats produce here at our farm might not be what they produce at another. We cannot guarantee certain production amounts, even though we have data showing our girls' milk here.