American Guinea Hogs - (Maybe) Coming Soon!
Listed as Threatened by the Livestock Conservancy, AGH are a rare landrace breed that is perfect for small homestead-type farms. They stay small (under 500lbs) and thrive on pasture with very little grain. They root less than their larger cousins and are friendly and easily trainable, like giant dogs, only with tusks that can kill you. They will clean up our orchard, till our gardens, take care of leftover produce, and provide meat & lard!
We run Minnesota Hygienic Italian and VSH Wisconsin honey bees in our apiary. After loosing our other hives every year to Varroa Destructor no matter how much we tested & treated, we decided to only keep mite resistant bees. But if you see a swarm on your property, feel free to reach out! Depending where they are and whether we have the tools, we’d be happy to rescue them. We also have raw local honey and beeswax available seasonally.
We grow a variety of fresh produce, as well as preserves and fermentation projects. We were thinking about joining the local Farmer’s Market, but it’s a little bit sad-looking and also pricey, so we might just continue to update our availability for all farm goods (including poultry and eggs) on our Farmish storefront, as well as our farm store page here on our site.