"Heartbreaker" - Coyote Ledge Im a Heartbreaker

Heartbreaker wasn’t disbudded the best ever and is growing full horns that we’ll have to keep an eye on, but he is such a cool little dude so far and has an amazing pedigree on both sides!

We tested him for apha-s1 casein and results show that he carries the E/F variants – he’ll pass genetics that might not be as great for cheese-making, but might be helpful for people with milk sensitivities.

American AB2289193
DOB 02/28/2023

  • Dam – Coyote Ledge Heart of Dixie VVVV 85 (2Y, 2F) – AB2223080
  • Sire – *B Vanjust LL Mahalo – AB2065946
    • Dam – SGCH Vanjust TA Bramble 3*M 05-05 EEEE 92 (2014 ADGA National Reserve Best Udder; 2015 ADGA National Champion and Best Udder; 2016 ADGA Reserve National Champion; 2017 OBA Supreme Senior Doe & All American 5 and over, 2017 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader – #8 in Milk, #10 in Protein, 2019 ADGA National Show 4th/2nd udder Aged Doe, Dam of the 2019 spotlight buck *B Vanjust OBRH Leocadio) – AB1546147
    • Sire – Luvruc OBRH Lebrawn (Son of GCH Luvruc OBD Kim K 2*M EEEE 91 – 2022 ADGA National Show: 2nd/1st Udder 4yr old out of 18, Reserve National Champion with Reserve Best Udder; 2023 ADGA National Show: 1st/1st udder 5-6 yr old, Reserve National Champion with Reserve Best Udder; 2023 Top Ten Milker in all categories; ALSO Paternal Half Brother to the 2019 ADGA National Champion and Best Udder GCH Vanjust OBRH Joiouz 5*M) – AB2002487
Notable Siblings:

Heartbreaker's Kids

With Diana – due 04/06/24, kidded 04/08/24 – giant doe born the day of the total solar eclipse (Moon Maiden)

Paternal Half-Sister - Luvruc VM Freya Rae - FF

(Photos Courtesy of Golden Obers)

Paternal Half-Sister - Dehuene VMH No Name VVVE 90 - FF

(Photos Courtesy of Vanjust)

Paternal Half-Sister - Vanjust VMH Nevada

(Photos Courtesy of Springwater Dairy Goats)

Paternal Half-Sister - Appleseed VJM Penny - FF

(Photos Courtesy of AppleSeed Farm)

Dam - Coyote Ledge Heart of Dixie VVVV 85

(Photos Courtesy of Coyote Ledge)

Maternal Granddam - CH Coyote Ledge Georgia Peach VEVV 87

(Photos Courtesy of Coyote Ledge)

Maternal Grandsire's Paternal Half Sister - Autumn Acres RT Riesling - FF

Sire's Paternal Half Sister/Maternal Niece - Vanjust LL Mavis - FF

(Photos Courtesy of Vanjust)

Paternal Granddam - SGCH Vanjust TA Bramble 3*M 05-05 EEEE 92

(Photos Courtesy of Vanjust)

Paternal Grandsire's Paternal Half Sister - GCH Vanjust OBRH Joiouz 5*M

(Photos Courtesy of Vanjust)