Welsh Harlequin Ducks

One of the newest heritage duck breeds and under Watch by the Livestock Conservancy, Welsh Harlequin Ducks are friendly, good foragers, and excellent egg layers. They’re small but have tasty meat that is leaner than most other ducks. And they are autosexing!

They lay a LOT of eggs compared to other duck breeds and ours come from two very popular exhibition lines (directly from Wilson’s Waterfowl and indirectly from Holderread). They’ve maintained their autosexing trait pretty decently, and almost all of ours have had the correct bill & leg colors (dark for hens and orange for drakes). We haven’t had a chance to fully evaluate the rest of their conformation, though.

We love how friendly our Welsh Harlequins are – some other breeds flee in terror the second they see humans, but these guys are happy to come up to us for food and attention. No touching, though – ours aren’t a fan of that haha!

Quick Facts

  • Eggs

    Welsh Harlequin Ducks can lay up to 350 eggs per year!

  • Weight

    Welsh Harlequin hens weigh about 5.5-6.5 lbs and drakes weigh about 5-5.5 lbs.

  • Cold Hardiness

    Welsh Harlequins are known for being one of the more hardy duck breeds.

  • Broodiness

    Welsh Harlequin hens are VERY prone to broodiness. Most springs, they all start sitting on eggs together.

  • Captivity Tolerance

    Welsh Harlequins prefer to free range, especially if there is water nearby, but are also content in a run. Just beware if you keep them penned up - ducks poop a LOT and need to be kept clean to be healthy.

  • Personality

    Welsh Harlequins are one of the more friendly duck breeds. They don't really like to be picked up, but they don't run screaming every time we look at them like some other breeds do. They come up and say hi and beg for snacks.

Show Record

2023 Customer:

Welsh Harlequin Hen – Best of Variety at a 2024 Summer show (Bred by us | Owned & Shown by Crystal G. & Family)

Photos of Past & Present Welsh Harlequin Flock (Started 2022)

Welsh Harlequin Duck
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Ducks
Welsh Harlequin Ducks
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Eggs
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Ducklings
Welsh Harlequin Ducks
Welsh Harlequin Ducks
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Ducklings
Welsh Harlequin Ducks
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Ducklings and Pilgrim Goose
Welsh Harlequin Drakes
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Ducks
Welsh Harlequin Duck Hen
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Ducks
2023 Welsh Harlequin Hen & Drake Ducks
Welsh Harlequin Ducks
Welsh Harlequin and Cayuga Ducklings