Super Ultra Mega Shopping List

On this page, we’ve listed some of our favorite tools & supplies that we use while caring for our critters. We also mention a lot of them in our Goat Care GuidesIncubation Guides, and Brooding Guides. We did not include dewormers because they’ll be unique to an area & species. We also skipped antibiotics because a vet relationship is required to get them. We DID add a few other prescriptions to always have on hand (if a vet allows). 

Page Contents:

* Please note that these are our personal opinions and experiences, and our statements are not intended to be professional or medical advice in any way. We have added links to products that we have used. We are Amazon and CoopWorx affiliates, so if someone purchases an item on their site through one of these links, we might get a small commission at no additional charge. For all other links, we are in no way affiliated with the vendors or brands and do not receive any award or recognition for purchase. 

Definitely price shop! Some of our go-to stores are Amazon, ChewyValley Vet, PBS Animal Health, Revival Animal Health, Leedstone, Premier 1, Jeffers, Hamby Dairy Supply, Parts Dept, Sydell, Cutler Supply, Mann Lake, Lappe’s Bee Supply, and Hansen Honey Farm.

Goat Supplies

Overall Care

Random goat supplies

General Medicine

General meds & equipment


Skin & coat & hoof maintenance – learn how we treat external parasites


GI issues related to stress, clostridium, worms, etc – learn how we treat internal parasites

AI & Breeding

Supplies & AI equipment


Labor & delivery 


First 24 hours of life – learn how we care for newborns


24 hours through weaning – learn how we raise kids

Milk Parlor

Milking goat care – learn about our milking process

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* Please note that these are our personal opinions and experiences, and our statements are not intended to be professional or medical advice in any way. We have added links to products that we have used. We are Amazon and CoopWorx affiliates, so if someone purchases an item on their site through one of these links, we might get a small commission at no additional charge. For all other links, we are in no way affiliated with the vendors or brands and do not receive any award or recognition for purchase.

Poultry Supplies


Cleaning, storing, shipping, and incubating eggs – learn about incubation here


Shipping and raising young birds – learn about brooding here


From the brooder to the great beyond

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* Please note that these are our personal opinions and experiences, and our statements are not intended to be professional or medical advice in any way. We have added links to products that we have used. We are Amazon and CoopWorx affiliates, so if someone purchases an item on their site through one of these links, we might get a small commission at no additional charge. For all other links, we are in no way affiliated with the vendors or brands and do not receive any award or recognition for purchase.

Apiary Supplies


Hive components


Working with bees


Processing honey

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* Please note that these are our personal opinions and experiences, and our statements are not intended to be professional or medical advice in any way. We have added links to products that we have used. We are Amazon and CoopWorx affiliates, so if someone purchases an item on their site through one of these links, we might get a small commission at no additional charge. For all other links, we are in no way affiliated with the vendors or brands and do not receive any award or recognition for purchase.

Human & Whole-Farm Supplies


Our favorite wearables

Tools & Equipment

Must haves around the farm

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* Please note that these are our personal opinions and experiences, and our statements are not intended to be professional or medical advice in any way. We have added links to products that we have used. We are Amazon and CoopWorx affiliates, so if someone purchases an item on their site through one of these links, we might get a small commission at no additional charge. For all other links, we are in no way affiliated with the vendors or brands and do not receive any award or recognition for purchase.