We’ve Moved!

When we first started up our official company and website, we decided to be cheap/lazy and build our site in GoDaddy, which is our DNS host. GoDaddy unfortunately has a LOT of limitations, including a 50-page max for sites that use its builder. After adding all of our goats, we found that we need at least 52 pages, haha, so it was time to make a move.

It might take a while to add in all the e-commerce stuff, and some things don’t work quite as smoothly with our new homemade template, but this is a much-needed upgrade. Plus it’s fun for me (Jess) and will keep my development skillz honed!

If anyone is interested, our new hosting provider is GreenGeeks – check them out! They have lightning fast speeds, and also use green energy and plant a tree in honor of each new hosting signup!

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